6 strain Powder, 250 Billion CFU's per gram Custom Probiotics 25grams

Product Code: CP-6S-25G

Availability:In stock

Supplied with 2 scoops - small = 25 Billion CFU's, Large = 200,000 CFU's (CP1=50 Billion CFU's per capsule)

What is the difference between the CP-1 and the 6-Strain powder?

CP-1 has 5 strains and is 50 billion cfus per capsule at the time of expiration. In addition to the probiotics, it contains microcrystalline cellulose, silcon dioxide and magnesium sterate.

The 6-strain powder has an additional strain, L. Salivarius, and is straight culture with nothing else added to it. It is higher in purity and potency with 260 billion cfus per gram.

Our most popular probiotic powder formulation containing six superior strains of freeze-dried probiotic microorganisms that specifically target and help the small and large intestines. High Count, multi strain Acidophilus and Bifidus dietary supplement. 60 billion cfus /gram.
  • L. Acidophilus
  • L. Salivarius
  • L. Plantarum
  • L. Rhamnosus
  • B. Lactis
  • B. Bifidum

Our probiotic formulations do NOT contain dairy, sugar, gluten, soy, corn, casein, yeast, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, FOS or any Genetically Modified or engineered ingredients.

DOSAGE SUGGESTIONS: Please click here

How long will a 25 gram powder last me?

25 grams is equivalent to 30 adult scoops. Each adult scoop measures 0.8 grams (equivalent to 200 billion cfus). If you take one adult scoop a day 25 grams will last 1 months. We also include a child scoop measuring 0.1 gram equivalent to 25 billion cfus. 8 baby scoops are equivalent to 1 adult scoop.


Our probiotic supplements are temperature stable for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. We have done 2 year temperature stability testing on our probiotics . We overdesign our probiotics so that the loss will not effect the potency indicated on the label. One can travel with our probiotics for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. It is best however to keep probiotics refrigerated for optimum potency.