PREbiotic Supreme 180g

Product Code: SA-PRE-180G

Availability:In stock


Time to feed your PRObiotics with PREbiotic Supreme! This double fiber combination will keep your intestine healthy and happy.

We all know probiotics are the good bacteria in our gut. In fact, we have ten times as many of those as we do cells in our body. These probiotics need food too! Feed them sugar and they get angry and create inflammation. Feed them fiber and they are happy and help maintain normal gut health.

Similar to how certain people live where it's warm in the winter, and live where it's cool in the summer, probiotics live where they get the food they want. Probiotics that feed on simple sugars and carbs create a lot of gut inflammation. Probiotics that feed on fiber create healing chemicals for our intestines, known as Short Chain Fatty Acids (SCFA).

The more fiber we eat, the better our probiotic status and intestinal health. Certain types of fiber are better than others. PREbiotic Supreme contains the best two fibers for our gut, inulin, and arabinogalactan.