Gut Reset Shelf Stable 60 Capsules

Product Code: SA-GRSS-60C

Availability:In stock


Probiotics are essential for healthy digestion, poop, and immune system. Problems with constipation or diarrhea or digestion? Probiotics support a normal digestive tract!

Gut Reset has 9 strains of probiotics and a prebiotic. 

Gut Reset is the natural probiotic support that can help children with ASD who experience discomfort due to Gastrointestinal (G.I.) problems. While many families use probiotics for their children, dose matters. A typical capsule of probiotics may contain 1 or 5 billion organisms, but that’s only a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions of organisms in our microbiome and intestines. Imagine licking an aspirin to help a headache, it’s not going to do much good.

The term ‘microbiome’ is becoming more and more popular recently. It describes our relationship with the bacteria that live on us and in us. There are 10 times the number of bacteria in our body than cells in our body! They help us and we feed them. Gut Reset works by repopulating healthy bacteria to normal levels in the G.I. tract. While most available over the counter probiotics come in 1 or 5 billion doses of healthy bacteria, each serving of Gut Reset 2 contains 40 billion doses of healthy bacteria. Now that is a dose that will change something. If you want to make a change in your child’s GI health, make it big.

The type of bacteria in our gut are affected by the foods we eat, antibiotics we take, and even the chlorine in our city water. Replenishing healthy bacteria is often done with a probiotic supplement. Clinically, we find standard doses of probiotics are ineffective, and larger doses help support normal GI function faster.