*5% OFF BBE 31st July 2025* Akkermansia 30 Capsules (1 Month Supply)

Kod produktu: PEN-AKK-30C

Dostępność:W magazynie

€108,17 €102,76


Includes live Akkermansia – a next generation beneficial strain that is essential for gut health. Now available exclusively from Pendulum as a daily probiotic.

Benefits that you can feel - in a survery of 180 customers who completed a 3-month course of Akkermansia reported the following;
  • 81% reported improved GI/Gut health
  • 79% reported improved bowel movements
  • 62% reported improved mood and energy
  • 66% reported decreased sugar cravings


Improves gut health*

Strengthens gut lining and reduces gut permeability*

Increases GLP-1 production

*Based on in vitro studies

Backed by world-class healthcare providers

Top doctors and researchers recognize the potential of Pendulum’s novel strains. Together, we’re advancing the world’s understanding of health and the microbiome.

Dr. Mark Hyman, MD
"When I was trying to recover from the greatest health crisis of my life, Akkermansia muciniphila played a pivotal role. It’s crucial for optimizing gut barrier function and immune response."
Dr. Steven Gundry, MD
"First identified in 2004, Akkermansia muciniphila—which literally translates to ‘mucus loving’—is a species of bacteria that helps to maintain our gut lining. And until now, it’s never been available."
Jana Davis, MS, RDN, CDCES
"Having the ability to replace Akkermansia and combining it with the right dietary factors has made an incredible difference in both my patients' metabolic and gut health."

Akkermansia is in 3,000+ science publications such as: Applied Microbiology International, Microbiology Society and Nature Reviews Gastro. Akkermansia has been gaining traction within the scientific and medical communities as more discoveries are made regarding the benefits of this novel strain.

Read more articles on Akkermansia

What to expect when starting a new probiotic. Spoiler alert: by month 3, you'll feel amazing!

  • Week 1–3 - You may experience mild digestive changes. This means that the strains are settling in and is usually temporary.
  • Month 1–2 - It usually takes around 90 days to see changes in the microbiome. However, results vary based on your gut, and you may begin to feel some benefits.
  • Month 3 and beyond - You should feel the full benefits: your gut microbiome is happy, and you feel healthier overall. Cheers to gut health!

The ingredients in Akkermansia are GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), and customers who take it for general gut health have reported a wide variety of benefits.

You can take Akkermansia with other probiotics. It works particularly well in combination with Pendulum Butyricum.

While we have not clinically tested Akkermansia with other medication or supplements, there are no known contraindications. We recommend seeking the advice of your healthcare provider for further recommendations.

Akkermansia is encased in a plant-based, acid-resistant, delayed release capsule so that the strain gets through the stomach acid and to the gut microbiome where it can do its job.

Storage: Store at room temperature. Refrigerate for optimal quality. Cold storage during transit is not necessary.

Shelf Life: The shelf life of Akkermansia is 2 years from the manufacturing date printed on the bottle. However, we are transitioning to putting “best by” dates on our Akkermansia bottles. If your bottle is printed with a best by date, that indicates the shelf life.