Amalgam Illness Diagnosis & Treatment By Andrew Hall Cutler, Ph. D., P. E.

Product Code: BOOK-AI

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Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment

 What you can do to get better
 How your doctor can help
 by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE
 ISBN 0-9676168-0-8

 Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment, starts with a detailed explanation of why to consider amalgam illness to be something that some people must have, by comparing the well known statistics for how much mercury people absorb from their fillings to the well known statistics of how sensitive different members of a population are to a given toxin. This is for people who really don't know if they believe in amalgam illness or not (the other material available is rather sensational and I can't blame anyone reading it for having questions) before going any further.

Did You Know?

"Silver" Fillings Contain Mercury (Hg)...

We all know mercury (the metal) is highly poisonous. However, did you know that California recently passed legislation requiring dentists to inform patients that those so-called "silver" fillings actually contain very little silver if any at all. They are, in fact 35% to 70% pure toxic mercury and can cause a myriad of diseases.

Mercury Leaches Into Your Mouth...

Numerous studies show that mercury continuously leaches from mercury fillings into your body. Mercury is well-known to be highly toxic and has long been known to cause innumerable serious health issues. In fact, the ADA (American Dental Association) recommends that dentists use very special care in handling the mercury used in filling preparations, including storing it in sealed containers and not touching it at all.