Fight Autism & Win! 2nd Edition

Product Code: BOOK-FAW

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What's New?

  • Our own personal stories of health, healing, and recovery.
  • Parent testimonials of the amazing progress children are making by following the advice in this book.
  • The most current recommendations and updated information.

What's Not?

  • Same great parent's 'How To Manual' for recovery.
  • All you need to know, without distractions, so you can get started healing right away, while your learning.
  • Bibliography with great resources to further your reading and increase your knowledge.

Who Is This Book For?

Parents of children who have been labeled, diagnosed, or told they have:
  • Autism
  • Aspergers
  • OCD
  • Sensory
  • Viral issues
  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction
  • ADHD
  • Heavy Metal Toxicity
  • MCS
  • Gut issues
  • Yeast Beast 
About Authors

The authors of Fight Autism and Win are parents of children affected by heavy metal toxicity. We began our journey looking for answers just like you!  We spent  thousands of hours searching through medical literature, books and the internet and talking to experts to find answers to our questions.  We experienced the frustration that most parents encounter trying to find help for their child. We have had doctors look at us like we were crazy if we mentioned yeast or mercury to them. We know what it is like to feel helpless as a parent.

On our journey to help our kids we began helping other parents to do the same by providing information and sharing what we had learned.  When it comes to autism there is this huge void of information for parents of newly diagnosed children. There is this vast grouping of misinformation and questionable therapies.  But we are here to tell you that there is help. Real help. There are common sense approaches that are natural, inexpensive and really do help our children by improving their health and functioning. We saw our children improve and get better. Along the way, we've helped thousands of parents and watched their success and progress. 

You might ask, "What do you mean by success?" We mean children have been potty trained, started using language appropriately, and experience true friendships.  They have told their parents "I love you" for the first time, were able to leave special diets, and their gut and constipation issues were healed. They said goodbye to anxiety, started sleeping through the night, lost their diagnosis, and many are being educated in mainstream classrooms without the help of an aid.  They have developed natural eye contact, lost rigidness, and no longer suffer from sensory issues. These kinds of successes are being reported by family after family with over a decade of healing and hope.  

Finally, you can get all the basics you need to get started healing your child in one simple, easy to read, how to manual. This is the book we wished we had when we started!  And now we are proud to have made availableour revised second edition!

Best in Recovery,
Jan Martin and Tressie Taylor